Tuesday 22 October 2013

I can’t deny the fact that they look like me but it’s not me.Beverly Osu Opens Up On Alleged Porn Film Role

Beverly Ada Osu was the Nigerian representative at the just concluded Big Brother Africa. On Thursday, October 17, 2013, two pictures and video went viral depicting that she once shot a real porn movie. In an exclusive interview with ENCOMIUM Weekly over the weekend, Beverly opened up on this and sundry issues.

How would you describe life after BBA?

Life after BBA has been beautiful.  There is nothing I can’t handle.

You have been under lots of criticisms, what would you say are the pains and gains of being Nigeria’s representative at BBA?

I am usually a busy person.  I don’t have a schedule.  That’s a good thing because good things have been coming my way since the show.  Of course, there would always be negative tales.  The pains are the things I hear about myself which are quite ridiculous.  They are not true.  Although you ignore them but at times they affect your work.

How then have you been handling the scandals?

Sincerely, I just prayed.  However, I still have them at the back of my mind.  There is no how they can go off immediately.  It affects my attitude sometimes.  At such times, I refused to have conversation with anybody.  I just want to stay alone. Nonetheless, it pushes me to put more effort in projects that fall across my path.  It helps clear my mind from negative atmosphere.

So many people still believe you owe Nigerians unreserved apology for your act in BBA, what’s your take on that?

I cannot apologise for what I don’t know.  What exactly did I do? I don’t feel sorry.  They are living their lives and I am living my own life.  The only difference between us is because my own is public.  And they enjoyed the platform.  If you guys were locked up for 91 days you would appreciate it. It’s only someone who is involved that can speak for another person.  I am a kind of person who doesn’t criticize other people and I don’t think others should criticize me.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013, two pictures went viral depicting you had actually acted in a real porn movie, what’s your take on that?

I saw the pictures too.  Sincerely, looking at the pictures they really look like me and they are not photoshop.  I was, ‘Oh, my God!’ I can’t deny the fact that they look like me but it’s not me.  If they were photoshop I would have just ignored it but it’s real.  I don’t know who the person is but it’s exactly like me. However, those who know me very well can depict the truth that it’s not me.

They can do what they want to do but it would only make me stronger.  Nigerians don’t appreciate their own. It doesn’t happen like that internationally.  They appreciate their own.  When I went to Tanzania, I know how they gave me a celebrity welcome.  I think we should just start with our own. I just lost my grandmother and my mum and I are looking for ways to give her a befitting burial.  It’s not easy, I am just trying to keep calm.

You still maintained that you made Nigeria proud in the house but Nigerians don’t see it like that.  Can you shed more light on that?

If Nigerians don’t believe I made them proud I would suggest such people be involved in such a reality TV show and know how it feels.  I forgot about the cameras but I don’t know what they would do.  Apparently, it’s for a period of time. If I am still on their mind till next edition of BBA in 2014, it means I am still relevant.  And that means Nigerians are hypocrite.

Angelo was here in Nigeria, what is going on between the two of you and is it for real?

Beverly and Angelo Collins

Angelo and I are now an item.

What do you mean by that?

It simply means we have become an item together.  I won’t say more than that.

Is Beverly Osu a blunt person?

Yes, I am very blunt.  You guys taught me a lot. I learnt from the best.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a very deep and spiritual person. I am also reserved and quite calculating.

There is a music and movie side of you that is evolving?

Music is something I am trying to push forward because there is a new beautiful project coming up. I have like 17 characters.

Tell us some?

I have the religious, crazy, stubborn, focused and creative side.

What about the side that loves to flaunt boobs and loves wearing bikini?

That’s the side of me that appreciates herself.

You pierced your tongue, how long have you done that and where?

I pierced it when I was 17 and I did it in Lagos.

You are part of the celebrities for one million march against drug abuse, what informed that?

As a youth, I know about drug abuse. It’s not about carrying cocaine alone.  It still boils down to massive intake of drugs. It’s not right because it forms crystals in the body which most youth don’t know.  If you are with a sane mind, you will be able to do more but once under the influence of drugs as means of avoiding pains, it becomes wrong.  I believed we should start from the pharmacist on the road. Once your client doesn’t have a prescription, don’t sell drugs to him or her.  Thus, as a means of mobilizing support towards anti-drug abuse rally tagged One Million Man March Against Drug Abuse in Lagos, initiated by NDLEA’s ambassador, Lamboginny, I can give my voice and support the rally slated for November 2, 2013 in Lagos. I can start from myself, too. I have migraine and instead of taking two aspirin, I take four.  That’s not good.

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