Saturday 1 February 2014

Katy Perry Hits 50 Million Twitter Followers

Everyone's favorite songbird, Katy Perry, hit a major milestone today, now counting more than 50 million followers on Twitter in total.

Perry dethroned teen heartthrob Justin Bieber in early November to snag the social network’s top spot. Previously, she overtook Lady Gaga in July, relegating the one-time queen of Twitter to the third-largest artist on the social network at more than 41 million followers.

Other high­-ranking artists on Twitter include Britney Spears at 35 million, Rihanna at 34 million and Justin Timberlake at a little more than 30 million in total. (Oh, and the President of the United States, of course, but despite his 41 million followers, we won't rank him until he releases an album.)

In fact, music remains the most-discussed topic on all of Twitter, with more than 1 billion tweets sent about music in 2013. 100 million of those coming from music-related accounts, and 50% of all active Twitter users follow at least one music account. Users from all over the world used music services to send over 40 million tweets about songs to which they've listened.

Perry, who added more than 18 million new followers in 2013 making her the top follower-earning artist on Twitter last year, shows no signs of stopping. Actively communicating with fans through the network, she orchestrated several social campaigns on the network, promoting the release of newest album "PRISM." Among them was a promise to retweet any fan that posted a pic of the golden truck she used to announce the release date of "PRISM."

And it's not like she's tweeting into a void; Perry counts more than 660,000 mentions in the past month, and close to 350,000 retweets. So congratulations Katy. We're definitely going to hear you roar -- er, tweet.

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